For Members
Fudo Kamae is a Tähtiseura
Tähtiseura is a quality management programme set up by the Finnish Olympic Committee, sports federations and regional sports organisations.
The Star Label represents a promise of quality to current and new club members as well as their families and supporters.
It is an indication of modern, agile, responsible and humane operating methods. It meets the needs of all kinds of athletes and sports enthusiasts, but also develops with them.
Operations Manual
Fudo Kamae's processes are described in the operations manual, which is open to everyone. This is how we operate.
By reading the operations manual, you will understand how the club meets the quality criteria set by the Tähtiseura -program.

The Quality Factors in Fudo Kamae Operations
The Quality Factors of Club Activities
The club's values are defined.
The club has a vision and an action plan.
The club recognizes the local operating environment, its role in the community, and opportunities to provide activities for various target groups.
The club adheres to the principles of Fair Play.
The club is open and promotes equal opportunities for participation, regardless of wealth, ethnic background, gender, disability, or other individual factors, and works to prevent discrimination.
The club is developed by gathering regular feedback from those participating in the activities.
The club's management regularly assesses its own operations.
The club collaborates with its stakeholders.
The club identifies changes in the operating environment and adapts its activities to meet current and future needs.
The club has up-to-date and relevant regulations.
The club has an operations manual.
The club has an annual activity plan.
The club has defined responsibilities and roles in writing for different individuals and entities.
The club's latest annual report and financial statements have been approved at the association's meeting.
The club's communication uses appropriate channels for the target audience.
Communication is transparent, up-to-date, inspiring, and interactive.
Roles in communication are clear.
The club has functional website.
The club actively markets its activities to its chosen target groups.
The athlete/hobbyist pathway is outlined within the club.
Coaching and guidance principles are described.
The club identifies the needs, roles, and responsibilities of different stakeholders.
The club has a procedure for finding new contributors for various roles.
The club has a procedure for orienting new contributors to its activities.
The club acknowledges and rewards contributors.
The club's instructors, coaches, and other club officials are trained, and their competence development is planned and supported.
The club invests in community building and makes the club known to its members.
The club offers participants the opportunity to participate in a variety of club activities.
The club has a procedure to prevent inappropriate behavior.
Youth have the opportunity to influence activities equally with adults.
The club has a recognized identity of which it is proud.
The club has financial regulations.
The club's finances are well managed.
The club's finances are in balance with the goals of the activities.
The club has identified suitable forms of fundraising for its operations.
The club exercises moderation in participant costs.
The club operates sensibly from economic and environmental perspectives.
The club has suitable facilities according to its capabilities and objectives.
The club has appropriate equipment according to its objectives.
The club ensures that existing facilities and equipment are used in the best possible way.
The club is proactive in developing facilities and, if necessary, cooperates with other responsible parties.
The club's facilities and equipment are safe.
The Quality Factors of Junior Training
The club has conducted feedback surveys and processed their results.
Children and youth have the opportunity to participate in decisions that affect their training, coaching, and competitions.
Respect for the Rules of Sport discussions have been held with children, youth, and their parents.
Encouragement of voluntary physical activity.
Sports for children and youth are diverse.
Children and youth have the opportunity to monitor their own development.
Promotion of a sporty lifestyle.
Communication to parents about the importance of diversified training and differences in children's development.
Exemplary behavior of adults involved in activities.
Familiarity with anti-doping matters.
The club provides alternatives for children and youth who develop differently, are motivated, or have special needs.
Competing and participating is motivating.
Participation in competitions.
Everyone interested has the opportunity to participate in competitions.
Formation of level-based teams or groups.
Feelings and feedback on competitions.
Hobbyist activities are valuable.
The Quality Factors of Adult Training
The club organizes regular adult physical activities.
The club is committed to the development of adult physical activities.
The club has responsible person(s) for adult physical activities. The responsible person receives support and resources for the activities.
The club and the group involve participants in expressing their needs and preferences.
The club offers flexible and lightly committed participation options as far as possible.
The club provides suitable groups or other support for novice hobbyists and ensures opportunities for participation at different levels.
The club enables participation in sports events and/or competitive activities.
The club's activities are accessible to participants.
The club has a procedure for welcoming new participants to the club.
The club's guidance and coaching activities are systematic.
Guided exercises have diverse content and implementation.
Guided exercises promote well-being and health and support the comprehensive development of participants.
Guided exercises are physically and mentally safe.
In guided exercises, activities are adapted to different needs as far as possible.
The club also encourages voluntary physical activity, both individually and in groups