For Members

Fudo Kamae is a Tähtiseura

Tähtiseura is a quality management programme set up by the Finnish Olympic Committee, sports federations and regional sports organisations.

The Star Label represents a promise of quality to current and new club members as well as their families and supporters.

It is an indication of modern, agile, responsible and humane operating methods. It meets the needs of all kinds of athletes and sports enthusiasts, but also develops with them.

Operations Manual

Fudo Kamae's processes are described in the operations manual, which is open to everyone. This is how we operate. 

By reading the operations manual, you will understand how the club meets the quality criteria set by the Tähtiseura -program. 

Fudo Kamae toimintakäsikirja

The Quality Factors in Fudo Kamae Operations

The Quality Factors of Club Activities

The Quality Factors of Junior Training

The Quality Factors of Adult Training